

1. 個人情報の取得・利用・提供、目的外利用の禁止


2. 法令・規範の遵守


3. 安全対策


4. 苦情相談対応


5. マネジメントシステムの継続的改善



代表取締役 木皿 譲司


■株式会社ニア 個人情報相談窓口
TEL 022-342-0008 / FAX 022-342-0408

株式会社ニア 管理部 阿部 千絵


About the handling of personal information

NEAR Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby sets out its privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “Privacy Policy”) its privacy policy designed to ensure the proper handling of personal information in compliance with the Personal Information Protection law and the guidelines established by the Personal Information Protection Commission.
This Privacy Policy applies to all handling of personal information by the Company. The Company also handles the latter kind of personal information in an appropriate manner consistent with the intent of laws and regulations relating to the protection of personal information.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information

  1. The Company acquires personal information through appropriate and fair means.
  2. The Company website
  3. The website (https://ilovekimono.com/) operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) is a site that publishes information about the Company, and with the exception of information such as cookies and access logs, does not collect any personal information. The personal information collected on the Website will not be supplemented by information obtained offline or from third parties.

2. Use of Personal Information

  1. Personal information that is collected will be utilized appropriately for the following purposes.
  2. Customer’s personal information
    purposes personal information
    1 To provide products and services Name, date of birth, age, address, phone number, e-mail address, body size, usage history, payment information, etc.
    2 To send purchased goods, thank-you gifts for survey participation, and the like Name, date of birth, age, address, phone number, e-mail address, etc.
    3 To send information about products, services, campaigns, seminars, events, etc. and other information
    4 To communicate regarding maintenance or other important information, as required
    5 To improve services and develop new services Name, date of birth, address, phone number, e-mail address, usage history, survey results, etc.
    6 To respond to customers’ inquiries and to confirm the identity of the customer
  3. The Company will not utilize personal information without the prior consent of the relevant person for any purpose beyond that necessary to fulfill the original purpose of using the information. In the event that the Company wishes to utilize personal information for any purpose beyond that necessary to fulfill the original purpose of using the information, the Company will state explicitly the purpose of using the information and obtain the prior consent of the relevant person.

3. Security Management

The Company will take necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent illicit access to, loss, tampering or leakage of personal information. The Company will also supervise, as necessary and in an appropriate manner, employees, outsourcing contractors and others who handle the personal information.

4. 保有個人データ等の安全管理のために講じた措置


  1. 基本方針の策定
  2. ・個人情報の取扱いに関して方針を定め、個人情報保護方針として、社内に周知徹底するとともに、一般の方も入手できるようにウェブページで公開しています。

  3. 個人データの取扱いに係る規律の整備
  4. ・取得、利用、保存、提供、削除・廃棄等の段階ごとに、取扱方法、責任者・担当者及びその任務等について個人情報の取扱い手順を定め、規程文書としてまとめ、社内に周知しております。

  5. 組織的安全管理措置
  6. ・個人情報の取扱状況について、定期的に自己点検を実施するとともに、他部署や外部の者による公平な立場からの内部監査を定期的に実施しています。


  7. 人的安全管理措置
  8. ・個人情報の取扱いに関する留意事項について、従業者に定期的な研修を実施しております。


  9. 物理的安全管理措置
  10. ・取扱い担当者以外の従業者や他の権限を有しない者による個人情報の間覧を防止するため、取り扱う区域を限定しています。



  11. 技術的安全管理措置
  12. ・サーバなどへの外部からの不正アクセスを防ぐために、ファイアウォールなどを導入しています。また、コンピューターウイルスなどの不正ソフトウェアへの対策を行っています。




  13. 外的環境の把握
  14. ・当社が外国において個人データを取り扱う場合には、その外的環境を分析・把握し、該当国に適用される法令等を把握したうえで、必要な安全管理措置を講じるものとします。

5. Provision to Third Parties

  1. The Company will provide personal information to third parties in the following manner.
  2. Personal information of EC site users
    Purposes to provide to third parties To produce, ship, and settle payment for products
    Personal information that may be provided Name, address, phone number, e-mail address, purchase history, body size, etc.
    Method of provision Electronic means
    The type of company, organization, or person receiving the information. To manufacture and ship products: Manufacturer
    To settle payment : Settlement agent
  3. The Company may provide personal information without obtaining the prior consent of the individual in the following cases.
    1. When the provision of personal information is based on laws and regulations (including cases based on laws and regulations relating to the protection of private information)
    2. When there is a need to protect the life, body or property of a person and it would be difficult to obtain the consent of the relevant person
    3. When there is a particular need to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children and it would be difficult to obtain the relevant person’s consent
    4. When it is necessary to cooperate with a government organization, local government body or individual entrusted by such entities in performing duties prescribed by laws and regulations and there is a risk that obtaining the consent of the relevant person would interfere with the performance of said duties
    5. When a subscriber’s personal information is provided in the course of a business succession due to a merger or other reason
  4. The Company may entrust all or part of the handling of the personal information to a subcontractor within the scope necessary to fulfill the purpose of using the information as listed under 2 above. In such cases, the Company will supervise the subcontractor, as necessary and in an appropriate manner, to ensure the secure management of the personal information.

6. Shared Use

The Company will not share use of the personal information.

7. Cookies and Other Techniques

  1. The Website may use cookies to collect information on how customers are using the Website.
  2. A cookie is information stored within the website browser (hereinafter “browser”) that the customer uses to access a website.
    A customer can use browser settings to display the fact that cookies are being used when the customer visits a website, and to disable the use of cookies. Customers should take note that disabling cookies may limit customers’ use of the Website, for example, by preventing their use of services that require authentication.
  3. The Company uses cookies for the following purposes.
    1. To maintain an authenticated user’s session
    2. To offer services tailored to each individual customer
    3. To display appropriate advertising on other companies’ websites based on how the Company’s Website is used
    4. To learn how many people use the Company’s Website and how they use it
    5. To collect analytical information to improve the Company’s services
    6. To maintain security by requesting customers to reauthenticate if a certain amount of time has elapsed since they first logged in
  4. Based on arrangements with the sites of other companies subcontracted to distribute the Company’s advertising, the Company may store and reference its cookies on other companies’ websites.

8. Contact for Inquiries and Complaints regarding Personal Information

The Company has established a desk for receiving inquiries and complaints regarding the handling of personal information and will respond to such requests promptly and in an appropriate manner. The procedure for submitting inquiries is described below. Please note that the Company cannot respond to requests made by telephone or by persons who visit the Company’s premises.

  • Inquiries submitted via website
  • Inquiries submitted via mail
  • [Personal Information Inquiries Desk]
    • Peace Bldg. Itsutsubashi 6F, 15-7-1, Itsutsubashi, Aoba, Sendai, Miyagi
    • NEAR Co.,Ltd.

9. Requests for Disclosure of Personal Information

When the Company receives a request for notification of the purpose of use, or for disclosure, correction, supplementation, deletion, cessation of use, removal or cessation of provision to a third party of personal data that could be used to identify the person making the request, the Company shall respond promptly, after confirming the identity of the person making the request, in accordance with laws and regulations regarding protection of personal information and the Company’s prescribed procedures.

  1. When requesting notification of the purpose of using retained personal data or requesting disclosure, correction, supplementation, deletion, cessation of use, removal, cessation of provision to a third party or disclosure of records of provision to a third party of retained personal data, please download the request form as shown below, complete the necessary items, enclose the identity verification documents indicated below, and mail your request to the Personal Information Inquiries Desk.(See 7)
    1. PF-133 Request Form for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data (PDF)
    2. Identification document (must display your name, current address and date of birth)
      • One identification document from the following list:
      • Copy of driver’s license, passport, residence card, My Number card (front side) or other public document that includes a photo of your face

      • Two identification documents from the following list:
      • Copies of health insurance card, pension handbook or other public document that does not include a face photo,

        copy of certificate of residence (juminhyo), seal registration certificate (Items within 3 months of acquisition)

    3. If requesting through a representative, in addition to the aforementioned request form and identification documents for yourself, the representative must also submit one or more identification documents for him/herself, as specified above, together with a written power of attorney.
  2. Fee and method of payment
  3. When requesting “notification of purpose of using retained personal data,” “disclosure of retained personal data” or “disclosure of records of provision to a third party,” the fee is ¥1,500 for each application.
    Please enclose a ¥1,500 postal money order with your request. If you are submitting multiple requests in the same envelope, please include a sufficient amount to cover the combined fee for all requests.

    For requests relating to correction, supplementation, deletion, cessation of use or removal of retained personal data and requests for cessation of provision to a third party, there is no fee.

  4. Method of replying
    1. Requests for disclosure of retained personal data or disclosure of records of provision to a third party
    2. We will reply using the method selected by the applicant on the request form. If no method has been selected, we will reply using a method of our choosing.

      • Requests received by mail:
      • The reply will be sent by simplified registered mail to the address shown on the identification document(s) submitted by the applicant. Please affix sufficient postage to a self-addressed stamped envelope and enclose it with the request form.

      • Requests submitted by electronic means:
      • The reply will be sent in the form of a PDF file attached to an email transmitted to the address shown on the request form.

    3. Requests for other types of information
    4. We will reply using a method of our choosing.

  5. Purpose of using acquired personal information
  6. Personal information acquired through inquiries, complaints or requests for disclosure made to the Company will only be used to confirm the identity of the individual concerned or that person’s representative and only to the extent necessary to respond to the request. Documents sent to the Company will not be returned. Once the process of replying has been completed, the Company will take appropriate steps to manage and destroy the information.

  7. Reasons for dismissal of the request
  8. The Company will be unable to respond to requests if any of the following apply: the request does not meet the requirements specified in the aforementioned procedure for requesting disclosure, etc.; the Company deems the request to be unreasonable based on the findings of an investigation; the Company believes it has reasonable grounds for not acceding to the request based on laws and regulations. The Company will not refund the aforementioned fee in the event of a decision not to make the requested disclosure or not to provide notification of the purpose of using personal information.

10. Revision of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be revised in order to strengthen protection of personal information or because of changes in the law. Any revision of the Privacy Policy will be posted on the Website. Please review the Privacy Policy periodically.

11. Precedence of Japanese Version of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was originally prepared in the Japanese language. In the event of any discrepancy between the other language version and the Japanese-language version regarding the interpretation of the Privacy Policy, the Japanese-language version shall take precedence.

12. About Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization

The company is a covered entity of the following Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization.

(This is not a contact for inquiries regarding our products or services.)

[Name of Accredited Personal Information Protection Organization]

Japan Users Association of Information Systems(JUAS)

[Contact for Complaints]

Complaints Office of Personal Information Protection

Reception hours: 10:00-16:00 (closed Saturdays, Sundays and holidays)




13. Name of Business Operator, Address, Name of Official Representative

Near K.K.

Peace Bldg. Itsutsubashi 6F, 15-7-1, Itsutsubashi, Aoba, Sendai, Miyagi

President: Joji Kisara

Personal Information Protection Manager: Management Department Chie Abe

Last updated May 1, 2024